Wii Pointer #1 Tilt>

Friday, September 17, 2010


yesterday 4pm go basketball
~JunYuen ~Jia Xiang ~ Si Manja/ bab 1
we play few minutes, then si bab1 arrive
run out from car like a wild boar, fei you wattat
he act cool, when other got the ball, he is like a mad baboon
jump here jump there LOL!!! ROTFL!
after those jumping, he thing he pro, say getlost those stuff
i think he's like moron
go mamak, drink chilled lime. then they arrived.
i not song the si bab1 so i fired a piece of ice size-(3mm)
he siao n tried to shoot me, but it is an epic faild
tryto shoot me 5 time 1 time shooted..
                         \      /
-~~~~~----   ---  X   --- !!!!
                         /      \
missed! haha
tats alll.

Friday, September 10, 2010

New Y-Y

Yesterday went IKANO to pick my sis,10pm
so went there earlier 
ate some bread n orange jus
go popular buy some stationary,
go petshop see some animal.
go ToyRus, bought a NEW YO-YO
Super Dragon Aqua. Happy ^0^
but sad cost 40++
tats all

Monday, September 6, 2010


today morning, waked up
call fren named Jun Yuen, for baskeball
when i call him, he say he jus came back from basketball.T^T
sad+boring... jus play computer for 3 hr.
tats all

Saturday, September 4, 2010


The final exam is comming near T^T, my mom everyday very ngamcham ah, call me study,study n study.
 FAN ah!!
tis all..

Me in Sudden Attack SEA

Ultimate payday!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Next week is holiday!, but i hate is tuesday still got tuition!!!
so sad T^T.... I hope tat i still can meet frends...
i'll rite until here  la, bb